Imaginary Conversations With an Evolutionist
Evolutionist: Why don't you believe in Evolution? Everyone knows it's true.
Christian: I believe in a Creator. His thoughtful design is everywhere. Evolution doesn't make much sense. It's a theory founded on science from the 1800s. Even Darwin admitted, "I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cannot be adduced, often apparently leading to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I have arrived."
Evolutionist: We have evidence of small changes in certain species. We can't expect to find examples of every micro change that took place. It's a long and complex process.
Christian: Doesn't a 'process' imply order? Evolution tries to discredit the idea of intelligent design, but the evolutionary process itself, if true, is evidence for intelligent design! Anyway, there's too much assumption and guesswork involved. I just can't look at a monkey and see my ancestors.
Evolutionist: The DNA of a monkey and a human are 98% identical! How is that not proof?
Christian: There's still the problem of origin. For instance, who painted the Mona Lisa?
Evolutionist: Leonardo da Vinci.
Christian: Who painted La Belle Ferroneire?
Evolutionist: Leonardo da Vinci.
Christian: How can you tell?
Evolutionist: He signed them. The styles are similar. The paints are similar.
Christian: So, if you didn't look at the finished product, but just analyzed the components - the canvas, the brush strokes, the paint, etc., you would think the paintings are nearly identical. Yet, when looking at the finished product, they're completely different. You wouldn't assume one painting magically turned into the other. Just like us and monkeys.
Evolutionist: I guess so.
Christian: Now let me ask YOU a question. Why do you not believe in a Creator?
Evolutionist: I guess it's because if there really is a Creator, then I'm not in charge. I don't like that idea. I want to run my own life. I don't want the responsibility and accountability inherent with a Creator.
Christian: The real issue isn't the details, it's the source. I don't believe in evolution because it denies my Creator the glory he deserves for the greatest masterpiece ever created.
Christian: I believe in a Creator. His thoughtful design is everywhere. Evolution doesn't make much sense. It's a theory founded on science from the 1800s. Even Darwin admitted, "I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cannot be adduced, often apparently leading to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I have arrived."
Evolutionist: We have evidence of small changes in certain species. We can't expect to find examples of every micro change that took place. It's a long and complex process.
Christian: Doesn't a 'process' imply order? Evolution tries to discredit the idea of intelligent design, but the evolutionary process itself, if true, is evidence for intelligent design! Anyway, there's too much assumption and guesswork involved. I just can't look at a monkey and see my ancestors.
Evolutionist: The DNA of a monkey and a human are 98% identical! How is that not proof?
Christian: There's still the problem of origin. For instance, who painted the Mona Lisa?
Evolutionist: Leonardo da Vinci.
Christian: Who painted La Belle Ferroneire?
Evolutionist: Leonardo da Vinci.
Christian: How can you tell?
Evolutionist: He signed them. The styles are similar. The paints are similar.
Christian: So, if you didn't look at the finished product, but just analyzed the components - the canvas, the brush strokes, the paint, etc., you would think the paintings are nearly identical. Yet, when looking at the finished product, they're completely different. You wouldn't assume one painting magically turned into the other. Just like us and monkeys.
Evolutionist: I guess so.
Christian: Now let me ask YOU a question. Why do you not believe in a Creator?
Evolutionist: I guess it's because if there really is a Creator, then I'm not in charge. I don't like that idea. I want to run my own life. I don't want the responsibility and accountability inherent with a Creator.
Christian: The real issue isn't the details, it's the source. I don't believe in evolution because it denies my Creator the glory he deserves for the greatest masterpiece ever created.
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