Friday, May 29, 2009

We Have Lost Our Minds

The "friendly skies" have officially gotten a tad too friendly.


Your yappy, ankle-biting mutt can now sit next to me on the plane.

Be warned, however...I have no qualms tossing Fluffy out the window at 30,000 feet if he won't shut up and/or pees on me.

Seriously, people - how we regard and relate to pets in this country is completely insane. I have seen people bring their wind-up toy dogs with them to work, grocery shopping and even to church.

They're animals, not people. And therefore, not every place that is appropriate for a person is appropriate for an animal. I know this comes as a shock to some of you with lesser mental capacities, but it is true.

Repeat after me (yes, aloud - even if you're at work):

"My dog is an animal, not a person."